Past Life Regression

The purpose of past life regression is to assist the client in developing a deeper understanding of who they are and their life path. It also aims to assist them in letting go of any unhelpful patterns or beliefs that might be preventing them from leading a more fulfilling life. Many people who use it report positive outcomes such as improved self-awareness, emotional healing, and a stronger sense of meaning and purpose in life.

When you receive a past life regression session, you will be guided into a relaxed state, much like deep meditation or hypnosis., but remain completely conscious.

During that time you will be prompted to recall memories from events / situations / people from past lives that are possibly affecting you in this current time.

It is believed that by bringing the repressed  or forgotten emotions or event to the conscious state, it can then be examined , understood and then released.

Unfinished business , trauma, suppressed emotions are just a few topics that may be uncovered and then released during a passed life regression session.

By uncovering , addressing and then releasing the energies attached to these situation, may aid in the spiritual healing and growth of your conscious mind in THIS life time.

Call us now at 863-253-6747, and let's discuss your needs further.

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